Meyer May House Photo Galleries
Nothing replaces a visit to the Meyer May house to experience it as Wright intended. Photographs provide a visual record that allows us to see and study details during its over 100-year history.
By 1985, the Meyer May House had changed significantly and slowly deteriorated. A large addition was made in 1921 to accommodate May’s growing family, and in the mid-1960’s, the house became a multi-unit rental with carports and extra entrances.
Today the Meyer May house is exactly as Wright intended. From landscaping to light fixtures to carpets and linens, Steelcase’s restoration and maintenance has established it as the most complete and beautifully preserved of all Wright’s Prairie houses.
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View our PhotoBook where we have laid out Pre- and Post- Renovation images side-by-side or explore the photo library by room in detail. (Cover images may be blurry; click onto an image for a better resolution,)